Saturday, September 3, 2011

And He smiled....

First of all, thank you to all the many inquiries concerning the dog bite. I would love to inform you that I am officially done with my six vaccinations (after which I think the doctor was sick of seeing me). Also, I feel fine and look forward to my next defense against any dog who thinks he can take me down. 

During the unexpected adventure, I was able to experience a lady falling asleep on my shoulder in a minibus, to learn my way to the bus station and back, and to learn that using the bathroom at a public clinic should very well be avoided. In fact, bathrooms at doctor's offices should be clean right?

In all honesty, as crazy of a week that it was, I feel as if I was able to truly feel and see God's presence amidst it all. The times on the buses gave me moments to think, reflect, and pray. Maybe this was necessary as the heaviness of getting to know the students and many of their difficult lives began to weigh upon me. 

I specifically recall elementary chapel this week as all the students shifted from station to station while focusing on different aspects of prayer. I could feel God's pleasure in that room as the children wrote prayers to God and expressed themselves concerning His desire to listen to them. As I really am challenged by the idea that God changes the hardest of hearts, I also am able to watch these hearts give way to the flood of love God has for them. Their stories, their conversations, and their relationships with each other can be so easily tainted by the world around them. Even as children, their natural tendencies are to lie, to hate, to do things for selfish ambition. Yet, I am watching little ones fight this on a daily basis. I am watching many of them respond to truth. By this, I am challenged and convicted. And my prayer becomes this: "God, protect their innocence. Draw them unto yourself while they are surrounded by truth and people who love them so much. Guard them against any disgusting and disturbing schemes of Satan to destroy them and their future Christian influence in this world...because one day, you will change this world through them."

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